iCan SWEAT Poses for The Brute 8 and Genesis 8 Male

iCan SWEAT Poses for The Brute 8 and Genesis 8 Male


Look into the mirror of life and see for yourself what pure dedication and a lot of sweat can do for you! This set of 28 poses for The Brute 8 and Genesis 8 Male cover a wide variety of work outs that are great for getting into shape.

“When it comes to my good looks and masculinity, no one is born this way. Well, except perhaps for the good looks, but the rest of it takes long hours of dedicated work outs and buckets of sweat. You have all heard the old saying ‘No pain, no gain.’ But I say ‘No hustle, no muscle!” signed, The Brute 8

iCan SWEAT Poses for The Brute 8 and Genesis 8 Male

iCan SWEAT Poses for The Brute 8 and Genesis 8 Male

  • アイテムデータ
    • フィギア世代 : Genesis 8 Male
    • ベンダー(作成者)さん : Winterbrose
    • 対応レンダリング形式 : 
    • このソフト、ツールに対応しています :DAZ Studio 4.10

