Long Luxury Limousine


Long Luxury Limousine


The Long Luxury Limousine is a fully articulated luxury limousine with Iray lights and materials options.

All wheels spin, the steering wheel turns, doors open and close, and with additional Material Options including interior and exterior lights, the Long Luxury Limousine has everything you need for your next render, plus that characteristic and unmistakable stretch-limo look!

Get the Long Luxury Limousine for whenever your character wants a lift, but wants (or needs) it to be a bit more highbrow, elegant, or fancy.

Long Luxury Limousine

Long Luxury Limousine

  • アイテムデータ
    • フィギア世代 : N/A
    • ベンダー(作成者)さん : Polish
    • 対応レンダリング形式 : 
    • このソフト、ツールに対応しています :DAZ Studio 4.12

